Brasileiros no Canadá

O jornal eletrônico da comunidade brasileira no Canadá

Archive for 5 de agosto de 2011

Globe and Mail destaca viagem de Harper ao Brasil

Posted by José Francisco V. Schuster em 05/08/2011

August 4, 2011

Stephen Harper hopes to woo Brazil for trade deal


From Friday’s Globe and Mail

But talks could be difficult as economic giant can negotiate only as part of the four-nation bloc Mercosur

Stephen Harper is jetting to Brazil this weekend with a crucial mission: cementing trade ties with a country of 190 million people that experts predict will be among the most influential global players in the years ahead.

Canada-Brazil relations have not always been cordial. A decade ago, the two countries had a bitter and hostile spat over government aid to their respective flagship aircraft manufacturers and publicly sparred over a Canadian ban on Brazilian beef.


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Primeiro-ministro do Canadá vai ao Brasil

Posted by José Francisco V. Schuster em 05/08/2011

Preparing for a summer Brazilian samba -Published by Jenna Biegun on June 22, 2011

Get ready for Canada to start dancing the samba this summer.

After years of both sides tentatively feeling each other out, the coming months are expected to see an explosion of high-levelexchanges between Canada and Brazil.

It all starts with Trade Minister Ed Fast leading a Canadian business delegation to Brazil next week. There he will lay the groundwork for a highly anticipated trip to the country by Prime Minister Stephen Harper later this summer.

Mr. Fast’s visit also comes on the heels of a telling document out of the Foreign Affairs department that places renewed emphasis on the South American giant.

The June 13 Report on Plans and Priorities says Brazil will become a “priority focus” in Canada’s new leaner, “more tightly focused” commerce strategy. It also calls for the creation of new bilateral groups.

The planned visits by Mr. Fast and Mr. Harper, the new trade emphasis and the new groups collectively indicate that Canada is preparing to make a major push toward engaging Brazil.

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